Not a robot? Kill three monsters! — the CAPTCHA test was replaced by a game in Doom

A modern Internet user has to pass a CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing tests to tell Computers and Humans Apart) test from time to time to prove that he is not a robot. Usually this is a monotonous and annoying task, to which they came up with yet another alternative: kill three monsters in Doom.

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Tests like CAPTCHA are really not very satisfying for users: you have to guess letters in a distorted style, drag objects on the screen, listen to audio recordings, or try to understand whether to mark a square that contains a tiny fragment of a bicycle. Launching a computer game and going through a short fragment of it is, of course, not so boring, decided the CEO of the Vercel cloud platform Guillermo Rauch – he suggested killing three monsters in the original Doom.

In its current version, this task, however, seems difficult not only for robots, but also for humans. The map chosen to take the test was E1M9: Military Base – a secret level, the entrance to which is located on the E1M3: Toxin Refinery level. During a standard playthrough of the game, it is assumed that by this moment the hero already has a shotgun, a machine gun, a rocket launcher and body armor. Killing three monsters in this level with only a pistol and no armor will require some preparation. Especially considering that the test selected the “nightmare” difficulty level Nightmare. You can try your hand at the test on this page.


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