Executive Vice-President of Electronic Arts and the head of the Battlefield franchise Vince Zampella in the statement by IGN and Eurogamer commented on the status of the NEED FOR SPEED franchise in the company catalog.
Image source: Steam (ZACKY1991V)
Recall that Need for Speed UnBound-the last current game at the moment-was released in December 2022, and the Criterion Games studio developed from the fall of 2023 connected to the creation of the next Battlefield.
At that time, a small team inside Criterion remained to develop NEED for Speed - thanks to this, UNBound received the content of the second year of support – but now all the studio’s forces are abandoned on the new military shooter Electronic Arts.
New content for Need for Speed Unbound is not planned (image source: Steam)
Zampella confirmed that the Need For Speed team inside Criterion joined its colleagues in the work on the new Battlefield. According to the head, EA was important to spend 2024 on creating content for UnBound according to players.
«Now that we are better than understanding what players want to see in Need for Speed, we plan to return the franchise in a new and interesting format, ”Zapopell reported.
Image source: Electronic Arts
Need for Speed was once an integral part of the EA annual releases, but now he is preparing for the longest pause in its history-up to the present moment the game of the series has come out at least once every three years.
Criterion is one of the four studios that are engaged in the production of the new Battlefield. On the eve of EA showed 9 seconds of gameplay of the Battlefield 6 Prealf version and invited a large-scale testing of the game.