Dangerous malware Perfctl was discovered, which managed to infect several thousand machines running Linux. The virus is distinguished by hidden…
The EU industry regulator has fined social media giant Meta✴ Platforms €91 million for unintentionally storing user passwords in clear…
Researchers Andreas Plesner, Tobias Vontobel, Roger Wattenhofer from ETH Zurich used AI to crack the reCAPTCHAv2 verification system, which is…
A vulnerability has been discovered in ChatGPT that allows a potential attacker to insert false information about a user into…
Information security researchers have discovered an online database containing the personal information of 106,316,633 US citizens - almost a third…
McAfee Labs cybersecurity researchers have identified a widespread malware campaign called ClickFix that uses fake CAPTCHA pages to infect users'…
The Necro Trojan infected 11 million Android devices - it was found in modifications of popular applications and even in…
Tor is one of the most important Internet services that ensures user anonymity. It is free and can be used…
At the end of this work week, the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reported that its investigation revealed that certain…
On the night of September 11, the infrastructure of the center for issuing electronic signatures of the Osnovaniye UC, which…