On the cutting edge of science

Chinese find new path to room-temperature superconductivity

Traditional superconductors have a good theoretical basis, while new types of superconductivity in non-traditional materials have not been described in…

2 weeks ago

Scientists have found no obstacles to the flow of time backwards, but this will not help to travel to the past

Researchers at the University of Surrey in the UK have found no evidence in quantum physics that time travel is…

2 weeks ago

Dallas airport starts generating power from jet streams as planes take off

Texas' energy mix has been expanded with a unique and world-class energy source: the JetWind modular wind turbine, which generates…

3 weeks ago

Scientists Create Reactor Prototype for Free Fuel Production from Atmospheric CO2 Using the Sun

Scientists at the University of Cambridge in the UK have created a facility to capture carbon dioxide from the air…

3 weeks ago

To combat global warming, scientists have proposed detonating 1,600 thermonuclear bombs in the right place

To combat climate change on Earth, scientists at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) have proposed not waiting for mercy…

3 weeks ago

A lot of substance from the neighboring alpha centaurus has already arrived in the solar system, modeling showed

Recent discoveries in the solar system, such as the asteroid Oumuamua and the comet Borisov, clearly showed that interstellar objects…

3 weeks ago

Mediterranean Sea Bottom Detector Caught Record-High-Energy Neutrino — It’s Extragalactic in Origin

The underwater neutrino observatory KM3NeT, which is being built in Europe, has reported its first unique result. The facility's sensors…

3 weeks ago

Hydrogel will protect people from radiation in space – it will be used to cover ships and spacesuits

The Earth's magnetic field reliably protects life on the planet from space radiation. But the farther from the planet, the…

3 weeks ago

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Shows Colorful Clouds in the Sky of the Red Planet

In recent seasons on Mars, NASA's Curiosity rover has regularly observed noctilucent clouds in the sky of the Red Planet…

3 weeks ago

A Gravitational Portal Has Been Discovered on the Outskirts of Our Galaxy—A Perfect Einstein Ring

The European Space Observatory Euclid has helped make an amazing discovery literally within walking distance of our galaxy — just…

3 weeks ago