On the cutting edge of science

A nuclear explosion could protect the Earth from a “doomsday asteroid,” a new experiment has proven

Scientists from the United States conducted an experiment that proved the possibility of changing the trajectory of an asteroid dangerous…

5 months ago

Scientists have solved one of the mysteries of superconductivity

The discovery of superconductivity turned 113 on April 8 this year. Respectable age, but the mystery of the phenomenon has…

5 months ago

Mega-extreme magnetic storms are not uncommon in Earth’s history, scientists say

The first documented extreme solar magnetic storm in 1859 was so strong that it knocked out telegraph communications in North…

5 months ago

There has been a breakthrough in the study of the physics of the Sun – scientists have learned to make maps of the magnetic fields of its atmosphere

Scientists from the US National Solar Observatory (NSO) have presented the world's first detailed maps of the magnetic fields of…

5 months ago

Observations of volcanoes on Jupiter’s moon Io have revealed the secrets of tidal heating of the moons of the giant planets

Cornell University researchers were able to study a fundamental process of planet formation and evolution—tidal heating—by observing volcanoes in the…

5 months ago

Scientists have discovered a candidate for the lightest black hole in the history of observations

A group of Chinese scientists published a paper in Nature reporting the discovery of a rare stellar-mass black hole candidate.…

5 months ago

Scientists have for the first time quantum entangled top quarks, the giants among all discovered elementary particles.

Top quarks, or t-quarks, were discovered just 30 years ago. They are extremely massive compared to other elementary particles in…

5 months ago

In China, they created a lithium-sulfur battery that is resistant to cuts and deformations – it works even if damaged

A group of Chinese scientists has presented a prototype lithium-sulfur battery that is resistant to damage. The goal of the…

5 months ago

NASA has assembled the core of the Nancy Grace Roman space telescope – no delays are expected with the launch

NASA reported that the assembly of the core of the Nancy Grace Roman space observatory is generally complete. The target…

5 months ago

Astronomers are panicking: new Starlink satellites create 30 times more interference with radio telescopes than older ones

This summer, astronomers from the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON) launched one of the world's best radio telescopes, LOFAR,…

5 months ago