On the cutting edge of science

Scientists have created the best proton battery to date – it is cheap, safe, durable and not afraid of frost

A hydrogen atom deprived of an electron becomes a proton, an ion or particle with a positive charge. This is…

3 months ago

An “eternal” atomic battery has been created that can be placed inside a person – it is built on carbon-14

Carbon-14 is one of the naturally occurring radioactive isotopes and is widely used for radiocarbon dating. Its half-life is 5700…

3 months ago

China has developed a material for an invisibility cloak: it changes color to match its surroundings without using electricity

Harry Potter's invisibility cloak has become closer to reality. In China, they have created an innovative material that, without an…

3 months ago

Japan has begun testing systems for transmitting solar energy from space

Today, field testing of long-distance power transmission systems began in Japan. The goal of the project is to develop technologies…

3 months ago

In the USA they have learned to print electrodes for brain-computer interfaces directly on the head

Researchers at the University of Texas and the University of California at Los Angeles have developed an experimental method for…

3 months ago

Venus is not a “spoiled Earth”: it never had oceans or the conditions for life to originate

Many scientists consider Venus to be a “deteriorated” Earth. On Venus, conditions developed for a powerful greenhouse effect that could…

3 months ago

China has begun building the world’s largest fully rotating radio telescope – the antenna diameter will be 120 m

Until now, the largest fully rotating radio telescopes in the world were the German Effelsberg radio telescope and the American…

3 months ago

The Earth was showered with electrons of record-high energies from a mysterious nearby source

Scientists have discovered for the first time the fact that the Earth is bombarded with electrons of sky-high energies. This…

3 months ago

“James Webb” discovered impossibly huge black holes in the early Universe, and scientists were able to explain it

Made by the space observatory named after. James Webb's discoveries in the early Universe have led scientists to question the…

3 months ago

NASA’s ancient Voyager 1 probe has fully restored contact with Earth

NASA reported that they were able to restore full communication with the Voyager 1 probe. Full communication was interrupted at…

3 months ago