On the cutting edge of science

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The ancient Voyagers were given a year of life – one instrument on each was turned off

The missions of the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 probes have been extended by about another year by turning off…

14 hours ago

Scientists Create Nuclear Battery From Radioactive Waste

Researchers at Ohio State University have proposed a promising method for disposing of radioactive waste that could solve two problems…

19 hours ago

The Universe has found many dim round objects, spotted by the latest radio telescopes

The latest highly sensitive radio telescopes make it possible to detect what is hidden from observation in other ranges -…

2 days ago

Scientists have discovered the secret to producing the perfect glass – antimicrobial and streak-free

Ideally, window or car glass, as well as the coating of gadget screens, should repel water and not collect harmful…

3 days ago

Scientists Set Tightest Limits on Dark Matter’s Lifetime

Looking for dark matter is like looking for a black cat in a dark room, especially if there is no…

5 days ago

Scientists have come up with a simple attachment for a car exhaust pipe to generate free electricity

75% of the energy in an internal combustion engine literally goes up the drain or is dissipated as heat. It…

6 days ago

Site for first thermonuclear power plant selected in US

Startup Helion Energy has announced that it has selected a site for the construction of the first thermonuclear power plant…

6 days ago

Geomechanical accumulator tested in US – it stores energy in compression of earth rocks

Quidnet Energy from the US has proposed a low-cost alternative to pumped-storage hydroelectric energy storage. Instead of lifting water to…

6 days ago

Amazon has built a quantum computer using cat qubits, and its errors are corrected by “Schrödinger’s cats”

Susceptibility to interference is the weakest point of quantum computers. Classical solutions cannot be used to protect against quantum computing…

1 week ago

Scientists Finally Figure Out Why Mars Is Red

Scientists have spent millennia trying to figure out why Mars is red. Today, there is little doubt that the dust…

1 week ago