Network news

Pavel Durov “stuck” in France for a long time, the French prosecutor’s office said

The founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, can linger in France for a long time, since his case will be transferred…

4 weeks ago

Openai has opened AI-Speaker for all users-you do not even need registration

Openai announced that its search engine based on AI as part of ChatGPT no longer requires registration and authorization. This…

4 weeks ago

Google had “very good ideas” on the integration of advertising in the Gemini AI assistant

At the moment, the Google Gemini AI Helicopter has no advertising, but the company has “very good ideas” how to…

4 weeks ago

YouTube earned a record $ 10.5 billion over the last quarter on advertising

The world's largest youTube stream video platform for the IV quarter of 2024 showed an increase in advertising income by…

4 weeks ago

Google’s search will change in 2025-the company wants to make it more like AI assistant

The Google search engine is in the process of traveling around artificial intelligence, said Sundar Pichai, General Director of Sundar…

4 weeks ago

The world’s largest musical streaming service Spotify for the first time in history ended the year with profit

The Swedish company Spotify Technology, which owns the Spotify musical service, summed up financial results for the fourth quarter and…

1 month ago

China began an antitrust investigation against Google in response to raising US imported duties

The State Administration for the regulation of the PRC market announced that the investigation against Google will begin in connection…

1 month ago

Ontario will tear the contract with SpaceX $ 68 million due to duties for goods from Canada

The Canadian province of Ontario intends to break the contract with the operator of the Starlink satellite network in the…

1 month ago

Bitcoin collapsed below $ 92,000 after increasing customs duties in the United States

The largest cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana and XRP, significantly fell in price at the beginning of the trade…

1 month ago

Scriptwriter of the cult Fallout: New Vegas returned to Obsidian, but not to work on the second part

Obsidian Entertainment was replenished with a valuable frame - John Gonzalez, scriptwriter of the cult Fallout: New Vegas, returned to…

1 month ago