Another Telegram update has been released. In the messenger, it became possible to send gifts and exchange received ones for…
Since 2018, the Telegram administration can disclose to the authorities of most countries the IP addresses and phone numbers of…
The administration of the Telegram messenger, which, according to the French Libération, had not previously responded to requests from the…
The number of users of the Telegram messenger with a paid Premium subscription has exceeded 10 million. The company’s founder…
The Telegram administration has made changes to the contents of the help section, giving inattentive citizens reason to conclude that…
Pavel Durov met with representatives of French counterintelligence in Dubai and maintained contact with them, he said during interrogation. The…
Criminal charges against Telegram CEO Pavel Durov have raised concerns among Silicon Valley companies about the end-to-end encryption of messages…
Criminal charges brought against Telegram head Pavel Durov in France have undermined the company's hopes of conducting a profitable initial…
Back in March, French authorities issued arrest warrants for Telegram CEO Pavel Durov and his brother Nikolai, who is the…
Commenting on the arrest in France of the founder and CEO of the Telegram messenger Pavel Durov, the company's development…