
The world’s largest solar power plant with vertical panels was built at the latitude of St. Petersburg

In Norway, the world's largest solar power plant with vertical panels was built on the roof of the Ullevaal Stadion…

2 months ago

Construction of the country’s first fourth-generation nuclear reactor has begun in the United States.

Kairos Power announced that it has begun construction of the first nuclear reactor in the United States in 50 years…

2 months ago

Chinese wind and solar power plants have surpassed coal power plants in terms of generation

Although coal is still the main source of energy in China, the country is actively developing renewable energy. In the…

2 months ago

The world’s first molten thorium salt nuclear power plant will be built in China.

Three years ago, the world's first thorium molten salt nuclear reactor was built in China. Its thermal power was 2…

2 months ago

For the first time in the world, China experienced an emergency shutdown of a fourth-generation nuclear reactor

The world's first fourth-generation commercial nuclear power plant, built in China, has successfully completed reactor shutdown tests. The passive protection…

2 months ago

Norway will build the world’s first floating wall of wind turbines

Norwegian company Wind Catching Systems announced that it has received expert approval for the creation of a prototype of a…

2 months ago

Construction of the city of the future for Silicon Valley billionaires was frozen due to bureaucracy

The project of the ecological techno-city “California Forever” was frozen for an indefinite period of time. At a minimum, you…

2 months ago

Scientists have learned to turn plastic waste into valuable material for electronics

Scientists from the United States have discovered a chemical reaction that can transform waste plastic, namely polystyrene foam, into the…

2 months ago

China has created an ultra-light drone that will fly as long as the sun shines

A group of Chinese scientists have solved the problem of “endless” power supply for ultra-light drones. They abandoned traditional electric…

2 months ago

Google and Microsoft consume more energy than many countries, but also earn more

Google and Microsoft each consumed 24 TWh of electricity globally last year, more than the consumption of more than 100…

2 months ago