Michael Pachter, managing director of equity research at Wedbush Securities, has revealed that Take-Two Interactive plans to raise the price of Rockstar Games’ open-world crime action game GTA VI to an unprecedented $100.

Image source: Rockstar Games

According to Wedbush Securities, Take-Two Interactive has plans to price GTA VI at a “previously unheard of” price of “$100 or more” per copy. The industry currently sells blockbusters for $70.

Wedbush Securities “suspects” that Take-Two could justify such a high price per unit by including a large number of bonuses (such as cash) for GTA Online.

As Pachter notes, there are precedents for integrating online experiences into premium products. For example, Activision did this with content for Call of Duty: Warzone and Call of Duty Mobile ahead of the release of the annual game in the series.

«In the case of Activision, the integration resulted in a 40 percent increase in premium Call of Duty sales. In the case of Take-Two, we believe that a successful combination of GTA Online and GTA VI could lead to $100 per premium game,” Pachter concluded.

Investment analyst and researcher Matthew Ball has previously advocated for Take-Two to sell GTA VI for $80-$100, saying it would benefit the entire industry.

GTA VI is scheduled to be released this fall on PS5, Xbox Series X and S. According to analysts, pre-order revenue for the game will exceed $1 billion, and the action game will earn $3.2 billion in its first year.

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