Microsoft has released the next build of Windows 11 Insider Preview, one of the notable improvements in which are updated icons for the battery indicator. It now comes in color, making it more visible, helping the user not to miss important information.
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The Windows battery icon, which has traditionally been black, can now have one of three colors depending on the battery level. This way the user can assess the status of the autonomous power source at a glance. When the charge level is high or a charger is connected, the icon is green; if it is yellow, it means the computer is running in power saving mode, which automatically turns on when the level is below 20%; red means “critically low battery level”.
The updated color icons of batteries appeared on the taskbar, in the opening menu of quick settings and in the general Windows parameters. In one of the future assemblies, such an indicator will also be used on the lock screen. Microsoft also improved the location of an additional icon with a lightning image that appears when connecting a charger – now this icon does not overlap the battery charge level. Also now, near the battery image, when the appropriate option is turned on, the level of its charge is demonstrated in the settings.
The updated version of the battery indicator has so far only been added to the Windows preview build on the Dev Channel. It will soon appear in other preliminary versions of the system, and before its debut in the public version of the platform, Microsoft plans to study the feedback of those who have already become acquainted with the innovation.