The founder of the Telegram messenger Pavel Durov promised French judges to improve content moderation on the platform. This was reported by the France Info radio station, citing its own informed sources.
Pavel Durov noted that Telegram is already working to improve content moderation algorithms and “from 15 to 20 million user accounts” around the world are removed from the platform every month for violating laws. He also added that Telegram is not the only social network or instant messenger used by various types of unscrupulous users to distribute illegal content.
Let us remind you that Durov was detained at the French Le Bourget airport in August last year. Later, he was charged with several charges, including complicity in the activities of an organized group in managing an online platform for conducting illegal transactions, refusal to provide information at the request of authorized bodies, etc. Durov was released from arrest, but during the investigation he did not has the right to leave France.
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