Microsoft has expanded testing of the Recall feature to the latest Intel and AMD platforms, also part of the Copilot Plus PC ecosystem. Starting today, the controversial AI feature has become available as part of the latest version of the Windows 11 test build to participants in the Windows Insider testing program on the Dev distribution channel. Last month, Microsoft released a preview version of Recall only for Copilot Plus PC systems powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon X processors.
The Recall feature takes screenshots of almost every user activity on the computer, allowing you to later return to any point in the past using natural language queries or using a special timeline. This scale allows you to open previously closed applications and websites. To work, Recall uses AI algorithms that match text and visual elements in screenshots. Using Recall is completely optional: the feature is disabled by default, whereas previously it was enabled initially.
In the latest test build of Windows 11, part of Recall was the new Click to Do function, designed to recognize text and images in screenshots. It allows you to copy and save this data using AI algorithms.
Users can choose which actions or objects Recall takes screenshots of, as well as exclude certain apps and websites. In addition, the feature can automatically detect sensitive information (such as credit card information, passwords and personal data) and not save it. Users can also manually delete created snapshots. According to Microsoft, the company does not have access to the screenshots Recall creates. The data is not sent to the cloud or used to train Microsoft AI models.
For Recall to work, you must use Windows Hello authentication, as well as BitLocker and Secure Boot features enabled (they are enabled by default on Copilot Plus PC systems). Microsoft recommends installing the latest chipset driver for AMD Ryzen and the latest NPU driver for Intel Core Ultra 200V processors before installing the Recall preview.
Microsoft also introduced new Image Creator and Restyle Image features for the Photos app on Copilot Plus PC systems running on Intel and AMD platforms. Additionally, starting today, these platforms will have preview access to the Cocreator feature in the Paint app, which lets you create and edit images using AI.
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