Telegram founder Pavel Durov announced the imminent appearance of 10 new functions that will become available to users after the next update of the messenger. Five improvements will relate to gifts, and three more innovations will affect hashtags. In addition to this, users will be able to add multimedia content to messages after they are sent, and will also be able to view when messages were edited.
According to Durov, just yesterday he offered the development team options for improving the messenger, and the corresponding layouts were prepared on the same day. “It’s no surprise that the Telegram team has shaped the way most modern messaging apps work, contributing to virtually every innovation in communications,” added the Telegram founder.
Earlier this month, Pavel Durov announced the appearance of gifts in Telegram that users can pin to their profile. He noted that gifts appeared in the messenger, which are in limited quantities, which can later be converted into NFTs. In addition, at the beginning of the month, Telegram announced a competition to create a new video player for the application. It is expected that in the near future the messenger will have its own analogue of YouTube video hosting.
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