The Taiwanese company remains the largest contract chip manufacturer in the world, its ability to rhythmically master advanced lithographic standards and offer the production of chips using them in the required quantities attracts many customers. According to some estimates, it will charge twice as much for one silicon wafer with 2nm chips as in the case of 4nm or 5nm chips.

Image Source: TSMC

At least, such calculations are given by the Commercial Times, emphasizing at the same time that new stages of lithography significantly increase the costs of manufacturers, and therefore a price increase is inevitable. In particular, if, when mastering 16-nm technology, $100 million in research and development expenses was enough, then in the case of 3-nm technology, this amount already risks falling outside the range of $4 to $5 billion. Moreover, for technical processes of this class it is usually a new enterprise with advanced equipment is required, which costs from $15 to $20 billion. All this leads to the fact that a silicon wafer with 2-nm chips can cost the customer at least $30,000. Moreover, TSMC itself will be forced to pay more for the same energy resources due to the concentration of its advanced enterprises in Taiwan.

In addition, TSMC does not suffer much from competition in this market segment, since Samsung constantly has problems finding customers for its advanced lithography, and Intel, although it promises to flood potential customers with chips produced using 18A technology, is itself now in the midst of the strongest ever history of the company crisis. Accordingly, the absence of obvious rivals allows TSMC to set the price for services for the production of 2-nm products that it deems necessary. TSMC’s partners, who supply it with consumables and tools, also benefit from the new profitable process.

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