Project 821 yacht powered by hydrogen fuel cells. Next nuclear? Image source: Feadship

Firstly, the nuclear drive and the fuel supply for it will take up significantly less space on the yacht than the diesel fuel supply and the corresponding power plant. Even equipping yachts with newfangled hydrogen cells and a supply of compressed hydrogen does not eliminate the need to maintain a diesel unit and a supply of fuel for long voyages. Freeing up space on yachts from diesel and engine storage will provide more space for passenger comfort.

Second, uranium-based nuclear fuel can produce power for decades without replacement. Given the experience of submarines, a reboot may be required once every 30 years. This makes it possible not only to save on fuel costs in the long term (in the short term it will be more expensive than refueling with diesel), but will also ensure free movement across all seas and oceans without the need to stop somewhere to refuel.


The question that needs to be answered is when should yachts switch to such a propulsion system. According to the report, yacht owners are divided on whether these changes should be made before the end of the decade or implemented over a longer period after the technologies being developed reach a certain maturity. For example, when certification and implementation of small modular reactors will begin. In any case, it seems that the advent of nuclear power plants for yachts is only a matter of time.

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