The anime series Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, released in the fall of 2022, based on Cyberpunk 2077, was so loved by fans that Netflix and CD Projekt Red decided on another joint project.
As part of the final part of the Geeked Week 2024 festival, the streaming giant confirmed a new animated project by the team of Netflix Animation and CD Projekt Red in the cyberpunk universe.
The announcement was accompanied by a terse 20-second teaser (embedded below) that heralds a “return to Night City.” The description of the video mentions that details will follow in the near future.
Despite the paucity of the teaser, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners fans were delighted with the announcement and are in anticipation of a new story and emotional turmoil. “The body is ready, but the heart can’t handle it,” admitted TheNeonArcade.
CD Projekt has made no secret of its interest in expanding Cyberpunk 2077’s reach beyond gaming. As part of its recent financial report, the studio said it is “definitely” planning new animated projects in the universe.
However, you shouldn’t count on a sequel to Cyberpunk: Edge Runners. After the release of the series, CD Projekt Red noted that the show was intended as a “self-contained work” and does not imply a second season.
In addition to the new animated film adaptation from Netflix, CD Projekt Red is also preparing a film project (film or series) with live actors in the Cyberpunk 2077 universe, which will tell a completely new story from the world of the game.
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