After months of ignoring leaks, Valve finally confirmed the existence of its hero shooter Deadlock, but committed a gross violation when designing the game’s Steam page.

Image Source: Valve

Let us remind you that the Deadlock page on Steam, which opened last weekend, contains only a short (22 seconds) teaser, a banner and a description that does not reveal the details of the multiplayer game.

At the same time, according to the rules established by Valve itself for game images for the store, at least five screenshots must be present on the product page. Deadlock has none.

Image source: Steamworks

The first to draw attention to the situation was the developer 3D Glyptics, who is now preparing for release the action-horror B.C. Piezophile, and the issue was subsequently covered by gaming media including PC Gamer, The Gamer and 80 lvl.

«I’m not laughing and this is not a joke – Valve Software is openly violating its own rules. The store page must contain at least five screenshots – the verification process was deliberately skipped,” 3D Glyptics rightly notes.

Image source: X (3D Glyptics)

As PC Gamer noted, this is not the first time Valve has been caught violating Steam rules: in March, a forbidden sign indicating the number of awards won by the project was noticed on the banner of The Orange Box. Valve acknowledged the mistake and quickly corrected it.

You might think that, as the owner of Steam, Valve can do whatever they want, but technically the company is a participant in the Steamworks affiliate program, so it is subject to its rules.

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